The Importance of Our Natural Drive to Succeed

Of movie-going, Federico Fellini once said, “The public has lost the habit of movie-going because the cinema no longer possesses the charm, the hypnotic charisma, the authority it once commanded. The image it once held for us all – that of a dream we dreamt with our eyes open – has disappeared. Is it still possible that one thousand people might group together in the dark and experience the dream that a single individual has directed?”

Ah, dreams…the fossil fuel that keeps our heart’s economy going strong. Although Fellini is referring primarily to movie-going, his commentary on the nature of dreams is very resonant in today’s world. In his eyes, the cinema had lost its uniqueness, its surreal authority, no longer a place where we could cultivate our dreams and mull over life’s provocative questions. The cinema had become a shell of its former self, a factory producing dreamless panoramic garbles. The same, we can say, has happened to the economy and to the country as a whole. Therefore, let’s rephrase Fellini’s question: is it still possible for people to group together in the economic dark and experience the American dream?

The answer is yes…we will never lose our natural drive to succeed. We may lose sight of it, but it is always there. If anything, it is hiding underground like a groundhog.

Although the economy has been more uncertain than ever, that hasn’t stopped people from furthering their education. Hundreds of thousands of new students enroll in college every year, and thousands graduate with degrees in everything from journalism to psychology. Even though money may be tight for many families, the drive to succeed is still pushing people towards at least the hope of a stable future.

Additionally, people are going back to school in droves. Whether it is to finish a degree, get a new one or pursue higher education, many see a sinking economy as the perfect opportunity to pursue those educational goals, telling themselves, “If I’m unable to get the job I want, I should just pursue my interests.”

Along with the natural drive to succeed, self-improvement is another inherent trait that causes many people to pursue their dream jobs. Despite the ever present challenges that each person comes across, self-improvement causes us to push past them and change our lives for the better. While some people may argue that this natural drive to succeed and self-improvement doesn’t guarantee any type of actual success, others find that it can motivate people to take chances that they might otherwise pass up.

If you are struggling with self-improvement or you need counseling regarding anything going on in your life, I can help. Whether you are a student, full-time employee or anyone else, I understand that the challenges of everyday life can sometimes be a burden. I am always here to listen and help when you need me most, so give us a call now to make an appointment! My counseling services are available both over the phone and in person in Lapeer and Charlevoix MI.  Call 231-881-7335 for a free phone consultation. We can also Skype.



*Video courtesy of Roy Orbison

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