Fill out the simple form on this page and take your first step towards a better life and brighter future. Upon receiving your information, one of our representatives will contact you promptly to evaluate your consulting needs. We will help you identify the problem areas in your life and determine the level of life coaching that is appropriate for you.
To speak to me immediately, call 810-252-1315 for your free, confidential 15-minute phone consultation. Although we will discuss your particular situation and specific needs, in order to determine an effective coaching plan, you will be under no obligation to become a client. Call now to embark on the problem-solving solutions that will improve your life!
Luan Jackson, MS, RN, CS
Mental Health Specialist
456 S Main Street
P.O. Box 719
Lapeer, MI 48446
Phone: 810-252-1315

Mental Health Specialist
456 S Main Street
P.O. Box 719
Lapeer, MI 48446
Phone: 810-252-1315